A UNESCO report on the topic of happy schools has just been released, entitled “Why the world needs happy schools: global report on happiness in and for learning”. The open access report can be consulted at: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000389119
The Happy Schools Portugal project is highlighted in the report (p. 77), and several of its products are mentioned in it.
The Happy Schools Portugal project is registered with LE@D, is coordinated by the Integrated LE@D researcher, Patrícia Gramaxo, and has the participation of two other LE@D researchers, Filipa Seabra and Marta Abelha, and also includes external researchers – Georg Dutschke and Álvaro Lopes Dias.
More information about the project at: https://lead.uab.pt/project/happy-schools-em-portugal/.