About us
LE@D's mission, areas of research and structure
LE@D – Laboratory of Distance Education and eLearning – is a research centre at the Portuguese Open University funded by the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology), which specialises in Distance Education.
LE@D conducts research and knowledge transfer in three strategic areas: Theories and Practices in Open and Distance Education; Education and Sustainability; Educational Issues in the Post-Digital Age.
The R&D centre prioritises innovation and leadership in Open and Distance Education research in the digital society.
The centre’s research is structured around three strategic areas of research into which the teams and projects are divided.
Theories and Practices in Open and Distance Education
Distance education theories; hybrid education models; open education approaches; online and hybrid teaching; quality assessment; participatory online assessment; learning design.
Education and sustainability
Programme evaluation; curriculum and equity; educational dynamics; professional development; innovation and educational transformations.
Filipa Seabra
The manual, “Revisão Normas Gráficas (Revision Graphic Standards)” v2.0_JAN2024, outlines the coherent and conscious application of the LE@D brand’s visual identity, respecting the graphic identity of the Open University.