The inclusion of the 2030 Agenda in the work strategy of the WEIWER® Network enabled us to submit our project for the WSIS Prizes 2020 contest.

After having earned over 5000 votes during the voting phase, it was selected by a group of experts from the ITU, International Telecommunication Union – the UN Agency for the Information Society, as a “Champion Project” in the E-science category (AL C7). The WSIS Prizes are promoted by the World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSISF).

It is an event that takes place annually in Geneva (Switzerland) and is coordinated by several organizations related to the United Nations, such as ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP. Projects carried out by governments, universities, companies, civil society and other organizations from all over the world have participated in the WSIS Prizes contest. It is as a way of sharing good practices with a significant impact on the promotion of the information society, at a local, regional or global level.

Thus, our project within the WEIWER® International Academic Network has also become part of the WSIS Stocktaking, a repository to share best practices globally.