CODA EU – Certification of Causes of Death in Europe


Erasmus +, KA2


Institut National dÉtudes Demographiques

LE@D Researcher(s):

Amadeu Borges Ferro, António Teixeira, João Paz, Maria do Carmo Pinto, Renato Abreu, Teresa Cardoso

Project Year(s):

2020, 2023

Project Status:


Projeto: 2020-1-FR01-KA203-080629

Data de Início: 2020-09-01 

Data Fim: 2023-08-31

Instituição Coordenadora: Institut National dÉtudes Demographiques

Investigador Coordenador LE@D, UAb: António Teixeira

Área Estratégica do LE@D:


Área Estratégica do LE@D:Área 1 – Teorias e Práticas da Educação Aberta e a Distância


The project aims at developing new innovative pedagogies that concern the rules of World Health Organisation (WHO) as well as good practices introduced in selected European countries characterised by a relatively high quality of cause-of-death statistics. Its objective is twofold;

First, it consists of providing an innovative learning tool (CODA) for lecturers training medical students, giving them the opportunity to improve their knowledge on WHO’s recommendations and rules concerning the certification of causes of death.

Second, it creates a MOOC dedicated to trainers and professors of various universities and institutes who wish to adapt the CODA tool for their teaching purposes and share it with their students.