UNITEL – Modernisation and internationalisation of Iranian HEIs via collaborative TEL-based curriculum development in engineering and STEM




Universitat Degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi (It)

Investigadores LE@D:

António Teixeira, João Paz, Maria do Carmo Pinto

Ano(s) do projeto:

2021, 2024

Estado do projeto:

Em curso

Projeto: 617496-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Data de Início: 2021-01-15  

Data do Fim: 2024-01-14

Coordenadora: Universita Degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi-Telematica (Italy)

Coordenador LE@D, UAb:  António Teixeira

Site: https://unitelproject.net

Área Estratégica do LE@D: Área 3 -Educação e Problemáticas no Pósdigital


UNITEL has the aim to modernise Engineering and STEM curricula in the PC HEIs involved in the project thanks to the development and implementation of an innovative pedagogical methodology that promotes computer-supported collaborative learning approaches.

The main idea is to put together EU HEIs which possess and supply cutting-edge developments, innovative learning practices and extensive international experience and HEIs from Iran which need and demand the same developments, practices and experience for the sake of Harmonisation of the HE systems.