Who sAw You then and who sees you now!

– Promoting student self-regulated learning in the classroom through peer observation

The WAY project aims to deepen knowledge about the development of self-regulated learning of upper secondary school students through their involvement in peer observation during classes. The project’s title summarizes not only the close connection between students’ self-regulated learning and peer observation that the team intends to study but also the importance of the student’s voice and participation.

Its focus mobilizes knowledge from educational sciences, as a whole, from curriculum studies to learning and teaching strategies, and puts in place several subject matters of schooling. The project will mobilize different actors that work in the educational field, as it brings to the front scene of research students, teachers and researchers.

The project development will enhance knowledge regarding the self-regulated learning concept and its effects, which will be transferred to other fields. Also, it will contribute to the Educational sciences’ achievements, stressing its transversal role in social development.

This website is co-financed by national funds through FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under project ref. 2022.01025.PTDC.