Teresa Morais is a librarian teacher at S. Pedro Secondary School in Vila Real. Degree in Philosophy from the University of Coimbra and a Master in Education.

Philosophy teacher in Secondary Education since 1986. Librarian teacher since 2015. Teacher trainer since 1997 in the area of Intercultural Education, Cooperative Learning, Formative Assessment and Critical Thinking. Member of the UTAD WebPACT group and the Critical Thinking Laboratory of the UTAD Learning and Development Unit. Participation in the webinar: Critical Thinking at UTAD: peer review and constructive controversy.

Areas of interest: Cooperative Learning, Critical Thinking and Information Literacy.

Published articles:

Morais, T., Silva, H., Lopes, J., & Dominguez, C. (2017). Argumentative skills development in teaching philosophy to secondary school students through constructive controversy: an exploratory study case. The Curriculum Journal, 28(2), 249-265.

Morais, T; Matias, P.; Gonçalves, L.; Sampaio, R. (2015). A perceção dos alunos sobre o trabalho colaborativo dos professores nas comunidades de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento profissional. [Students’ perception of teachers’ collaborative work in learning and professional development communities.] Revista Eletrónica de Educação e Psicologia. Retirado de http://edupsi.utad.pt

Ciência Vitae: 111A-9478-46BB